Facets Singles Wellness App

Good Bye, Burnout

You can love the dating journey if you focus on the right things.

We help you focus on

Facets Singles Wellness App

Create a profile that reflects who you are while increasing your self-awareness.


Online to Offline transitions will be smooth when you align your true self with your profile.

Most people feel deceived when mismatch occurs, reducing trust in their dating partner.

Focus on critical feedback and iterate using Facets.


Being ghosted, lack of a deep connection with your date, misalignment with values, and personality mismatch are tough outcomes to endure while dating.

Through four core pillars of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a proven intervention to reduce stress and anxiety, you can navigate your journey without letting negative experiences takeover.

Facets Singles Wellness App

Our snippet-based curriculum includes thoughtful exercises, personality quizzes and practical examples for you to practice and gain self-awareness.

Love yourself.
Love the Journey.

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